Sales & Marketing Automation


In order to consistently cultivate high quality relationships and convert them to loyal customers in today’s digital world, businesses must personally respond to each prospect in the sales funnel; however, many businesses cannot afford to respond to each respondent’s varying interest manually.  Therefore, if businesses truly want to communicate the right message to prospects and existing customers at the right time, an AI-driven sales and/or marketing automation platform that dynamically customizes content and automates the timing of marketing communications based on business and sales logic is required.  Hence the importance of Automation.


What Is Marketing Automation?

For our base sales and marketing automation pricing go here or call 800.419.0350!

In the past few years, the customer’s ability to self-educate and research has significantly grown.  Buyers can now use competitive manufacturers, retailers, and social media websites to vet their options and galvanize their buying criteria.  Often, by the time they contact a salesperson, they've typically narrowed their buying decision to a few options.  All based on information readily available from manufacturers', retailers', competitors', and/or multiple third-parties’ sales material.

This means smart marketers must adopt different practices than in the past.  In place of sending broad, high-volume outgoing emails, businesses need AI-driven sales and/or marketing automation software that delivers the precise information salespeople and buyers need, in the way and at the time they need and want it, as they progress through the buying process.

Personalizing the Marketing Message(s)
As businesses seek to deliver the right message at the right time, they must ensure the content is highly personalized to the buyer's role/responsibilities/persona (profile).  Executive buyers will respond to different messages than their employees, and those in Marketing will respond to different concepts than those in Human Resources.

This individualized approach to the relevance – in terms of targeting, timing, and content – of each marketing message can only be efficiently accomplished with sales and/or marketing AI automation.  By leveraging AI and automating the underlying lead scoring, nurture marketing, and data management, businesses can cost-effectively understand prospective buyers and deliver the right messages at the right time with the right images, through the right medium to the right person.

For our base sales and marketing automation pricing go here or call 800.419.0350!